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Samantha Wilson

Information about Samantha Wilson at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Ms Samantha Wilson


Samantha Wilson began working for the University of Bradford Centre for Applied Dementia Studies in January 2023. She is working as a Research Fellow with Dr Sahdia Parveen and Dr Gary Fry on the implementation of SIDECAR - a scale to measure caregivers' quality of life - within dementia carer support organisations. She also works part-time at the University of Liverpool as a Research Assistant on a public health and AI project.Samantha is studying for her PhD in Public Health at the University of Liverpool. She is exploring the use of smartphones and tablet computers as potential assistive technologies for people living with dementia and mild cognitive impairment. Samantha received her Masters in Psychological Sciences (Health and Clinical Psychology) and Bachelors in Psychology from the University of Liverpool in 2016 and 2015 respectively.Samantha has previously worked at the University of Liverpool, University of Manchester, and University of Glasgow on various public health projects. Her research interests are in older adult mental health (notably dementia and mild cognitive impairment), health psychology, technology and AI, and behaviour change interventions.Outside of work, Samantha likes to stay active and can almost always be found with her dog by her side. She enjoys swimming, paddle boarding, reading, video games, and cross-stitching.


Samantha's research interests include older adult mental health (notably dementia and mild cognitive impairment), health psychology, technology and AI, and behaviour change interventions.