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Sarah Flower

Information about Sarah Flower at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Mrs Sarah Flower


I joined the University of Bradford in August 2021 having previously taught at another local institution. I began my training as a direct entry Midwife at Teesside University and James Cook Hospital, Middlesbrough in 2007.I moved into midwifery education after spending the majority of my clinical career as an Independent Midwife (IM) providing caseloading midwifery care to women and families from booking to eight weeks post birth. Throughout my time as an IM I maintained my skills as a labour ward midwife through bank work at a number of trusts. This experience across multiple NHS Trusts is something I see as valuable for students and registered midwives.As an IM I worked with NHS trusts and local maternity systems (LMS) to try and establish effective working relationships between IMs and NHS trusts to provide seamless, safe care for women opting out of the NHS system. I also worked as part of Independent Midwives UK (IMUK) to establish a governance structure with the aim of providing reassurance and confidence in the skills, training and supervision of midwives working outside of the NHS.In 2018 I began postgraduate level study beginning with Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) training and a Pg Certificate in Health Professional Education. My aim is to complete a MSc in Midwifery and then move towards doctoral study in the field of Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy exploring the impact of a diagnosis on women's experience of pregnancy and birth.My interests include Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP), Vaginal Birth after Caesarean (VBAC) and supporting women through pregnancy/birth/early mothering following trauma.


Details on teaching interests, highlights and modules are available for Mrs Sarah Flower as follows:

Teaching interests

My teaching interests include but are not limited to; intrapartum care both physiological birth and complex care in labour, particularly vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) and home birth outside of standard guidelines, physiology of pregnancy, labour and birth, clinical skills, introduction to research evidence and critiquing research evidence.