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Dr. Nirma Jayawardena

Information about Dr. Nirma Jayawardena at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Dr. Nirma Jayawardena


Dr NirmaSadamali Jayawardena is an Assistant Professor in Marketing at University of Bradford, UK. She has workexperience as a secondary school teacher, lecturer and as a researcher in SriLanka, Australia and India. Her research interests are in the areas of virtualreality advertising, 360-degree video advertising, consumer psychology, digitalvideo advertising, experimental research, qualitative research, and consumerbehaviour. Her research workhas been published in multiple international peer reviewed journals. She has alsopresented her research in several international and national level research conferences.Additionally, she has contributed to magazine articles, book chapters,books and industry reports. She servedas a reviewer to several journals including International Journal ofInformation Management, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journalof Consumer Studies, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Journalof Business Research, and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Prior toobtaining the Doctor of Philosophy in Marketing from the Griffith University,Australia, she completed her BSc in Business Management (Hons) degree with afirst-class honours specializing in Project Management from NSBM GreenUniversity, Sri Lanka. Additionally, she completed her MBA in InternationalBusiness from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Further, she completed herGraduate Diploma in Research from Griffith University, Australia. She startedher career as a secondary school teacher which is the steppingstone leading toacademia. She was able to improve teaching skills after working as a secondaryschool teacher in Business Studies and Accounting (English medium) in tworeputed private secondary schools in Sri Lanka. She prepared students under thesubject of Business Studies and Accounting for GCE Ordinary Level Examinationin Sri Lanka and served as a full-time lecturer attached to the Faculty ofBusiness Management in ICBT campus in Sri Lanka affiliated with CardiffMetropolitan University, UK.

Further she worked as a research assistant in theDepartment of Marketing and in Accounting, Economics and Finance department ofGriffith University, Australia. She alsoworked as a Market Research Trainee at AEC Group LTD, Brisbane, Australia. Shehas teaching experience for a diversified age groups including secondary schools,undergraduates, and post-graduates. During her PhD, she also conducted severalresearch training sessions to the South Pacific Central Banks conducted byGriffith Asia Institute. She has research skills on various software includingNVivo, Leximancer, SPSS, and Vos-Viewer. She has work experience on projectsfunded through several grants such as Griffith University Internal Grants andCentral Bank of Solomon Islands. She has achievedseveral scholarships including Australian Government Research Training ProgramStipend Scholarship, Griffith University International Postgraduate ResearchScholarship and University of Tasmania, Tuition Fee scholarship for PhD inEducation. She won several international and national levels awards including‘Emerald Outstanding reviewer award’ from South Asian Journal of Marketing inyear 2023; ‘Emerging Scholar Award’ in 2021 from University of Auckland,New Zealand; ‘Emerging Scholar Award’ in 2021 from University Krakow, Poland;Griffith University Academic Excellence award in year 2018 and ‘Women IconAward’ from Woman Icon organised by Times Woman with World Women Council inyear 2021 and ‘Honourable Mention Research Award’ from Relationship Marketingfor Impact Research Cluster in Griffith University in year 2021.


Research Interests




VideoAdvertising Strategies


Consumer social cognition


Expertisein research software including VOS viewer; NVivo;SPSS; Leximancer

There are 67 publicationsinvolving or that are attributed to Dr. Nirma Jayawardena. They are listed as:

Journal articles (31)

Conference Publications (6)

Book Chapters (6)

Edited Book Projects (Pending) (6)

Industry report (1)

Poster (1)

Magazine articles (4)

Newspaper articles (12)


Details on teaching interests, highlights and modules are available for Dr. Nirma Jayawardena as follows:

Teaching interests



Qualitative techniques

Social Marketing

Services Marketing

Fundamentals of Marketing

International Marketing Management

IntegratedMarketing Communication

Professional activities

Information about education, employment and areas of particular interest for Dr. Nirma Jayawardena is as follows:


  • Griffith University, Australia - Graduate Diploma in Business Research
  • Griffith University, Australia - Doctor of Philosophy
  • NSBM Green University - BSc in Business Management
  • University of Colombo - MBA in International Business