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Heidi Boyd

Information about Heidi Boyd at the University of Bradford.

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Photo of Mrs Heidi Boyd


Heidi joined the University in June 2020 from clinically practice where she worked as a specialist physiotherapist. Heidi graduated with a First Class Honours degree from the University of Bradford in 2009. Since then Heidi has worked clinically as Physiotherapist within Yorkshire. She first worked at North Yorkshire and York Primary Care Trust before moving to Calderdale and Huddersfield Foundation NHS Trust.She has worked in acute settings, with amateur rugby league club Driglington, and more recently in Community Settings. Heidi completed junior rotations at Calderdale and Huddersfield before progressing to a specialist role in Elderly Rehabilitation. Heidi progressed to the Deputy Manager role of the Calderdale Intermediate Care Team for two years before moving to a role in the newly devised Enhanced Reablement Team in Calderdale.Prior to training as a Physiotherapist Heidi worked as an Anatomy and Physiotherapy Lecturer at Bradford College. Heidi's first degree is from the University of Liverpool and she graduated with honours in 1997 in Human Movement Science and Physical Education.


There are 1 publications involving or that are attributed to Mrs Heidi Boyd.

Other Journal

Heidi Boyd has 1 publication(s) listed under other journal.
Title Year Publication name Journal Volume Pages Authors Editors ISSN Publisher DOI Location
The effects of the pandemic on Practice Educator Training 2022 Antich, R., and Boyd, H. Royal College of Occupational Therapy Journal